Welcome to our fundraising page dedicated to the Department of Public Relations and Communications at the Center for Analysis and Regional Development Planning (CAPDR). We are committed to effectively promoting our region, highlighting tourism, investment opportunities, successful regional projects, and future initiatives. Additionally, we engage in organizing public debates on regional issues, fostering regional economic diplomacy, promoting youth through the Regional Excellence Center, and supporting athletes who achieve outstanding results in national and international competitions.
Our Mission: Our mission is to contribute to the development and promotion of our region, creating a strong and engaged community in regional development processes. We aim to ensure that the voice and potential of our region are recognized and appreciated nationally and internationally.
How You Can Contribute:
1. Financial Donation: Any amount is welcome and will be used to support our projects and initiatives. Every donation counts and helps us achieve our goals.
2. Participation in Our Events: We invite you to join our fundraising and awareness events to support our causes and learn more about our work.
3. Promotion of Our Page: Please share this fundraising page with your friends, family, and colleagues to help us reach our goals faster.
Current Objectives:
- Developing and promoting regional tourism.
- Supporting successful projects in the region.
- Organizing constructive public debates on regional issues.
- Developing regional economic diplomacy.
- Supporting youth through the Regional Excellence Center.
- Assisting athletes with outstanding achievements in national and international competitions.
Financial Transparency: We are committed to transparency regarding how each donation is utilized. We will provide regular updates on funded projects and how they contribute to the development of our region.
Thank you for your support! Without your assistance, we could not continue our efforts to promote and develop our region. Every donation and action matters.