The 13th edition of the Conference for enhancing the absorption of european funds by the Republic of Moldova A significant step in the european journey

The 13th edition of the Conference for enhancing the absorption of european funds by the Republic of Moldova A significant step in the european journey

European Parliament Member Maria Grapini, a member of the S&D Group, together with the Institute for Development and Project Expertise (IDEP) from the Republic of Moldova, organized a conference on April 16, 2024, with the theme “Boosting the absorption of European funds by the Republic of Moldova”, within the premises of the European Parliament.

The event aimed to support the central authorities of the Republic of Moldova in their European integration eff orts through the establishment of inter-institutional partnerships.

idep - Centrul de Analiză și Planificare a Dezvoltării Regionale

Distinguished representatives from the European Commission, the European Parliament, and member states, along with local leaders and representatives of civil society from the Republic of Moldova and Romania, discussed strategies and partnerships to support the efficient absorption of European funds and, consequently, to stimulate economic growth in the Republic of Moldova.

The list of distinguished guests included the ambassadors of Romania and the Republic of Moldova, officials from the European Commission, and representatives of civil society and the academic community. H.E. Iulia Matei and H.E. Daniela Morari, the ambassadors of Romania and the Republic of Moldova, brought with them the perspectives and expertise necessary to understand and address the challenges and opportunities within European integration.

Additionally, Mr. Marc Angel, Vice-President of the European Parliament, and Mr. Marcel Ștefan Sima, Minister-Counselor of the Embassy of Romania in the Kingdom of Belgium, were present, making valuable contributions to the discussions. Alongside them, other officials and distinguished representatives also made their presence felt, including:

  • Christina Antoniou, team leader for the EU’s eastern and southern external borders, DG REGIO of the European Commission
  • Laura Betea, Team leader for Moldova, unit C1, DG NEAR of the European Commission
  • Iurii Levinschi, President, Hîncești District Council
  • Ion Cojocari, Vice-President, Glodeni District Council
  • Dionisie Ternovschi, President, Ungheni District Council
  • Talmaci Andrian, President, Cimișlia District Council
  • Andronachi Sergiu, Mayor, Town of Cimișlia
  • Natalia Rodideal, General Director, Tezaur Media TV
  • Gregoriana Carmen Tudoran, European Affairs Expert
  • Ramona Lile, Rector, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad
  • Oprea Maria-Olimpia, First Vice-President, Association of Public Hospitals
  • Liliana Iașan, Director, Public Medical-Sanitary Institution, Territorial Medical Association – Buiucani, mun. Chișinău
  • Constantin Poiana, Manager, “Prof. Dr. Eduard Apetrei” Hospital, Buhuși
  • Marina Golovaci, Director, Public Medical-Sanitary Institution, Territorial Medical Association Botanica, mun. Chișinău
  • Dorina Tizu, Director, IMSP Territorial Medical Association Ciocana, mun. Chișinău
  • Iurie Crasiuc, Deputy Director, National Center for Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical Assistance
  • Iurie Osoianu, Director, Fălești District Hospital
  • Argentina Cocier, Administrator, I.S. Hotel Zarea

4 - Centrul de Analiză și Planificare a Dezvoltării Regionale

In the context of analysis and debates, the Institute for Project Development and Expertise (IDEP) identified the best ways to support Moldovan authorities in the process of European integration

This diverse array of participants created a conducive environment for dialogue and collaboration, aimed at promoting the interests and sustainable economic development of the Republic of Moldova.

Approximately 70 participants engaged in discussions, focusing on supporting Moldova’s central authorities on their path to European integration through the establishment of inter-institutional partnerships. The exchange of information with European Commission officials helped clarify many aspects, thus laying the groundwork for future collaborations between representatives from Moldova and Romania.

In the context of analysis and debates, the Institute for Project Development and Expertise (IDEP) identified the best ways to support Moldovan authorities in the process of European integration. By adopting and adapting the best practices from their counterparts in Romania and the EU, IDEP aims to boost the absorption of European funds, contributing to Moldova’s sustainable development.

2 - Centrul de Analiză și Planificare a Dezvoltării Regionale

With a special focus on Romania’s experience in managing European funds, IDEP organized a total of 12 conferences from September 2022 to March 2024, gathering over 1280 key participants from both sides of the Prut River. These events laid the foundation for numerous sectoral and inter-institutional partnerships that will facilitate access to European funds for Moldova.

With Romania’s support, Moldova has the potential to significantly increase the absorption rate of European funds from new programs, and IDEP is committed to contributing to this evolution by continuously training and preparing the stakeholders involved in project implementation.

By creating a network of cooperation and inter-institutional partnerships, along with adequate training for Moldovan implementers, the aim is to ensure efficient absorption of European funds and prompt alignment with European standards.

In this context, IDEP developed the concept of “Europe in the home, locality, and small business of the citizen” (ECIPES), as well as initiatives such as the Market Outlet (RM-EU Highway) and the recreational program #DiscoverEU Iași-Chișinău-Odesa, all oriented towards promoting European values and opportunities in the Republic of Moldova.

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