8 stages in the strategic economic development of Moldova through A7 Highway

<span class="rosu">8 stages</span> in the strategic economic development of Moldova through <span class="rosu">A7 Highway</span>

Ion STEFANOVICI: “To contribute decisively to mapping the economic opportunities generated by A 7 Highway, the Center for Regional Development Analysis and Planning will adopt a strategic approach involving active collaboration with local authorities, the business environment, the academic environment, and other relevant entities.”

In line with the direction assumed during the Regional Economic Forum of Moldova, 2024 edition, CAPDR proposes the concrete steps necessary to map the economic opportunities generated by Highway A7 for the Moldova Region.

The 8 Stages that will guide this collaborative format and maximize the impact consist of:

1. Establishing a multi-sector strategic partnership

  •  Forming a working consortium: CAPDR will issue invitations to representatives from all sectors (local and central authorities, the business environment, the academic environment, NGOs, and other relevant organizations) to participate in a consortium dedicated to Highway A7 in Moldova. This consortium will serve as a platform for coordination and idea exchange, ensuring an integrated perspective on opportunities.
  • Organizing roundtables and workshops: These events can be used to encourage dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders. Thematic discussions may address topics such as logistics infrastructure development, investment promotion, or local workforce training.

2. Conducting an economic and social impact study

  • Commissioning a comprehensive impact study: CAPDR will initiate an economic and social impact study to provide a clear picture of how Highway A7 will influence economic development, infrastructure, migration, and demographic structure. We will collaborate with academic experts (universities, economic research institutes, urban planning) using concrete data (e.g., traffic data, economic statistics) to support the study.
  •  Using economic models and simulations: Economic models and simulations will allow for estimating short- and long-term economic benefits. You can work with economic modeling specialists to assess regional gains, labor market impacts, and other relevant economic aspects.

3. Boosting collaboration between the academic environment and the business sector

  •  Joint projects between universities and companies: CAPDR encourages universities in the Moldova region to develop collaboration programs with companies in the fields of construction, logistics, transportation, and energy. These collaborations can generate innovations in sustainable infrastructure, smart transport solutions, or new technologies for construction efficiency.
  •  Creating business incubators and innovation centers: Highway A7 will open opportunities for new businesses, and incubators or innovation hubs will stimulate local entrepreneurship development. CAPDR supports the creation of such centers in partnership with universities and private investors.

4. Continuous dialogue with local and central authorities

  • Strengthening collaboration with central authorities: We involve central authorities (ministries, government agencies) in all stages of planning and implementing economic projects associated with A7. We promote an integrated and coherent approach between regional and national strategies.
  • Support for local authorities: We assist local authorities in attracting European funds for adjacent infrastructure projects and for building necessary secondary infrastructure (connecting roads, utility networks). CAPDR can provide technical consultancy and support for project writing.

5. Promoting the region as an investment hub

  • Regional promotion campaign: CAPDR will prepare to launch a national and international promotion campaign for Moldova as an investment destination, highlighting the benefits created by the construction of Highway A7. We will present the region’s economic potential and new business opportunities for investors in industry, logistics, production, and tourism.
  • Organizing investment conferences and fairs: We will host conferences dedicated to attracting investors and entrepreneurs in strategic fields. These events will include guided tours along the highway, presentations of available land for development, and networking sessions.
  • The Regional Economic Forum Moldova, 2025 edition, will place a special emphasis on Mapping the economic opportunities generated by A7 Highway for the Moldova Region

6. Integrating environmental and sustainability concerns

  • Promoting eco-friendly solutions: We ensure collaborations with environmental experts and authorities to integrate ecological and sustainable practices in the development of infrastructure adjacent to A7. For example, promoting green energy in industrial areas or creating green corridors and biodiversity protection measures.
  • Impact on local communities: We ensure that the social and environmental impact of construction and adjacent development is well-managed, actively involving local communities in the decision-making process.

7. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of progress

  • Creating a monitoring system: We aim to implement a monitoring system for progress regarding economic and social development around Highway A7. This system should collect data on investments, job creation, improvements in transport and connectivity.
  • Publishing periodic reports: Publishing periodic impact analysis reports will provide a clear picture of progress and allow for strategy adjustments based on results.

8. Innovating and digitizing planning

  • Using “smart city” technologies: We encourage the implementation of “smart city” and “smart infrastructure” solutions along the A7 highway, such as intelligent transport systems, real-time traffic monitoring, or logistics process automation.
  • Digital mapping and interactive platforms: We will create interactive digital platforms that allow authorities and investors to visualize economic opportunities, logistics, available land for development, and other relevant data.

By adopting these strategies, the Moldova Consortium dedicated to Highway A7 will become a key player in maximizing the economic and social benefits brought by Highway A7 and will actively contribute to transforming the region into a sustainable and competitive development hub.

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