Mayor Dima TOADER, about the projects that will develop the Vaslui commune of BEREZENI

Mayor Dima TOADER, about the projects that will develop the Vaslui commune of BEREZENI

The Berezeni Commune is located in the southeastern part of Vaslui County and ranks among the very large communes, comprising five villages

Mayor Dima Toader aims to bring Berezeni to the next level through investment projects, in order to achieve a higher degree of development. Recently, several important projects have been completed, including the modernization and paving of roads, the rehabilitation and equipping of the Cultural Center, and the construction of the Agri-Food Market.

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Currently, there are several ongoing projects of great interest aimed at improving infrastructure, social services, and stimulating local economic development. Also in the process of implementation are: the paving of DJ 244C, the extension and modernization of the “Anastasie Fătu” School, and the establishment of a water supply system in the localities of Rânceni and Stuhuleț.

Considering that many projects have been completed in the Berezeni commune in recent years, please name the most important projects completed in the last 4 years.

As you mentioned, in recent years, in the Berezeni commune, we have completed several important projects. We have projects with a significant impact on the lives of residents, aiming at improving infrastructure, social services, and contributing to the stimulation of local economic development. Among the most important completed projects are:

  • Paving of DJ D244a (Berezeni-Rânceni), a project funded by the County Council.
  • Supplementing the water source through alternative captures for water supply in the commune, an investment financed through the National Local Development Program (PNDL), Sub-Measure Modernization of the Romanian Village.
  • Modernization of village roads, investment financed through PNDL, Sub-Measure Modernization of the Romanian Village.
  • Rehabilitation and equipping of the Cultural Center, investment financed through PNDR, Sub-measure 7.6 – Investments associated with the protection of cultural heritage.
  • Rehabilitation, modernization, extension, and equipping of the Social Center in the commune, investment financed through the Regional Operational Program 2017-2020, POR/8/8.1/8.3/A/1.
  • Construction of the Agri-Food Market, investment financed under PNDR 2014-2020, Sub-measure 19.2- Measure 7 “Renewal of Villages” from SDL 2014-2020 -GAL MOLDO-PRUT.

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  • Afforestation of agricultural and non-agricultural lands U.A.T. Berezeni, Podu Saratii – 113 ha, investment financed through the State Aid Scheme “Support for the first aff orestation and creation of aff orested areas” under Measure 8 “Investments in the development of aff orested areas and improvement of forest viability”, Sub-Measure 8.1 “Aff orestations and creation of aff orested areas” under PNDR 2014-2020 – Session 3, year 2018.
  • Rehabilitation of the Human Dispensary Berezeni, funding from the local budget.
  • Rehabilitation of the Summer Theater and the Heroes Monument in the Berezeni commune, funding from the local budget.
  • Modernization of the Kindergarten with normal program in Musata, investment financed through PNDL, Sub-Measure Modernization of the Romanian Village.
  • Modernization of the Primary School in Musata, investment financed through PNDL, Sub-Measure Modernization of the Romanian Village.
  • Modernization of the Kindergarten with normal program in Rânceni, investment financed through PNDL, Sub-Measure Modernization of the Romanian Village.
  • Modernization of the Primary School with classes I-VIII in Rânceni, investment financed through PNDL, Sub-Measure Modernization of the Romanian Village.
  • Construction of a multisport fi eld at the “Anastasie Fatu” Berezeni Gymnasium School, funding from the local budget.
  • Construction of a multisport fi eld at the Primary School with classes I-VIII in Rânceni, funding from the local budget.
  • Repairs to gutters in the Civic Center, funding from the local budget.
  • Construction of Kindergarten with normal program no. 2 Berezeni, Satu Nou village, funded by the Ministry of Education.

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What projects are currently being implemented?

Currently, we have several important projects underway for our community, aiming at sustainable development and improving living conditions:

  • Paving of DJ 244C (Musata-Dimitrie Cantemir), a vital infrastructure project carried out by the County Council.
  • Extension and modernization of the “Anastasie Fătu” School in Berezeni, Building 2, a project carried out through the National Local Development Program (PNDL).
  • Establishment of a water supply system in the localities of Rânceni and Stuhulet, a project financed through the National Investment Program (PNI) Anghel Saligny.
  • Establishment of a natural gas distribution network, funded through the National Investment Program (PNI) Anghel Saligny.
  • Modernization of local interest roads in the commune, a project financed through the National Investment Program (PNI) Anghel Saligny.
  • Road modernization through paving, a project funded by the Agency for Rural Investment Financing (AFIR).
  • Modernization of agricultural exploitation roads, funded by the Agency for Rural Investment Financing (AFIR).
  • Establishment of an Integrated Community Center, a project funded through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).
  • Equipping of educational units within the commune, financed through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).
  • Implementation of an interconnected and integrated digital ecosystem within Vaslui County, a project funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).

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  • Increasing energy efficiency and smart energy management at the Berezeni commune hall building, a project funded through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).
  • Increasing energy efficiency and smart energy management at the Primary School with classes I-VIII in Berezeni, a project funded through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).
  •  Construction of the Festive House in Rânceni, investment made from the local budget.
  • Construction of the Festive House in Musata, investment made from the local budget.
  • Establishment of a communal platform for manure in the commune, a project funded through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).
  • Construction of the Festive House in Ranceni, investment financed from the local budget.
  • Construction of a multisport field at Satu Nou School, project financed from the local budget.




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