The commune of ȘENDRICENI from Botoșani County, a true model of development and modernization

The commune of ȘENDRICENI from Botoșani County, a true model of development and modernization

The commune of Şendriceni is situated in the northeast part of Botoșani County, offering a model of development and modernization through investment projects carried out primarily in the last four years

Mayor Marin Dohotariu leads a well-defined investment program, focused on improving road infrastructure and other essential sectors for residents. These projects have gradually transformed the landscape of the commune and supported the improvement of the quality of life in the community.

sendriceni 1 - Centrul de Analiză și Planificare a Dezvoltării Regionale
Looking ahead to future projects, the local administration aims to undertake initiatives such as establishing a photovoltaic system for self-consumption of electric energy, implementing energy efficiency measures in public buildings, constructing a physical education hall, equipping educational institutions with modern equipment, aiming to contribute to sustainable development.

In the context of numerous projects completed over time in the commune of Șendriceni, please name the three most significant projects finalized in the last four years.

In the commune of Șendriceni, we have undertaken numerous major projects in the last 4 years, however, among those completed, the most relevant ones are:

  • Construction of the cultural center. This objective has been a priority in community development, providing a suitable space for various cultural and social events. The cultural center serves as a meeting place for the residents of the commune and is suitable for a variety of cultural and recreational activities.
  • Construction and equipping of the Alecu Ivan Ghilea kindergarten. The completion of this project represented an important step in ensuring quality education for the children in our commune
  • Extension of natural gas pipelines over a length of 3050 meters, contributing to the provision of an essential service in an efficient and accessible manner.

sendriceni 2 - Centrul de Analiză și Planificare a Dezvoltării Regionale
What projects do you currently have in the process of implementation?

Currently, we are initiating and implementing a series of important projects aimed at the modernization and urbanization of our commune, with the goal of improving the quality of life for each resident.

Our development strategy is based on a rigorous analysis of the community’s needs and efficient prioritization of interventions. The process of transforming the commune will continue, but I will list some of our ongoing projects:

  • We have secured funding confirmation through the PNRR for a project to build NzebPlus housing for young people in the commune of Șendriceni, worth 2,013,867 lei.
  • The project to modernize local roads in the commune of Șendriceni involves asphalting approximately 7 km of roads in the commune, with a total investment value of 12,780,708 lei.
  • We are nearing the completion of the project to build a reinforced concrete bridge on DC73KM over the Dintevici River in the village of Horlăceni.
  • Additionally, the project to extend the water supply network in the streets of Pascari, Blocuri, Viorelelor, and Cărămidăriei is nearing completion.
  • To reduce costs associated with public lighting, we have initiated the project to modernize the public lighting system in the commune of Șendriceni.
  • Furthermore, we have executed a deep drilling for water supply in the village of Horlăceni, ensuring the water needs of the population are met.

sendriceni 3 - Centrul de Analiză și Planificare a Dezvoltării Regionale

What are the future projects for the commune of Șendriceni?

For the future, in the commune of Șendriceni, we aim to implement a series of investment projects that will contribute to the development and improvement of the quality of life of our community. These include:

  • Building a sports education facility, as we encourage sporting activities.
  • Equipping pre-university educational institutions and related units in the commune of Șendriceni with furniture, teaching materials, and digital equipment through the National Recovery and Resilience Program (PNRR), in order to ensure a modern and suitable educational environment for students.
  • Implementing measures to improve energy efficiency in the town hall building, as we aim to conserve resources and reduce the impact on the environment.
  • sendriceni 4 - Centrul de Analiză și Planificare a Dezvoltării RegionaleImproving energy efficiency and energy management in public buildings dedicated to educational institutions, at the “Al. Vlahuță” Technological High School in Șendriceni, in order to reduce costs and contribute to environmental protection.
  • Establishing a photovoltaic system dedicated to self-consumption of electric energy throughout the entire commune, to benefit from renewable energy sources and reduce dependence on traditional energy sources.
  • Creating an outdoor recreational space in the village of Pădureni, in order to provide residents with a conducive environment for relaxation and outdoor recreational activities.

These projects aim to fulfill our commitment to sustainable development and improve living conditions for the residents of the commune of Șendriceni.

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